
Thursday, May 2, 2019



I greet Spring as a lost love
Feel the gentle tingling of awakening &
Let the beauty of blossoms
Kiss my eyelids,
Finding Hope in places once vanquished.
Freshness of spirit arrives on the cool breeze.
Changing seasons, transforming identity
I remember who I was Before -
Before the roller coaster of hormones
Before my body was stretched into
Soft and beautiful new shapes
Before my heart knew the weight
the depth, the responsibility of such love,
Before Her.
I allowed myself to Open
in a terrifying process, raw with power.
And in that open, resonant space
There was nowhere to hide.
This body could not hold it all
So I let pieces of myself fall into deep slumber
& cuddled right up to my heaviest doubts.
What I thought was Me
Surrendered to someone new,
Let it go,
Let it grow.
Bird song calls me home once more -
I listen.
Hawthorne blossoms embrace my heart,
I rejoice.
Dogwoods ignite my spirit with their beauty –
I dance.
Fresh, wrinkle-face flowers of Spring
Remind me of my own song -
And I sing.
Sunlight days bring color to the world -
I breathe myself Whole.  
Rooting deeply into the Earth
I rise strongly from the darkness
underneath the soil
turn my face to catch the light
and Become.

Blessing for Flora on her First Birthday

Bless your Eyes.
May you always see the world with wonder and awe
may your vision be expansive
and your eyes full of beauty.

Bless your Ears.
May you always listen deeply to the world around you
and even more closely to the world within you
may you listen with compassion.

Bless your Mouth.
May you always feel nourished
may you have a healthy appetite for food and life
may you ask questions
may you speak your truth.

Bless your Hands.
May you always give freely of what you have
and remain open to receiving that which you need
may you be bold and courageous with your creations
may you remember your strength.

Bless your oh-so-cute Feet.
May you always feel at home on the ground you walk on
may you remember the support that holds you up and keeps you steady
may you dance wildly under the moon and everywhere you feel inspired to.

Bless your Heart.
May it always remain open to the love you deserve
may you love freely and generously
may your heart be your faithful guide.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Earth Dwellers

Nestled in a canyon awash with color and life,
faint sound of waves crashing on the distant shore.
Miles and miles of earth gently pass under foot.
Soft winter sun warms my skin,
reminds me of summers past.
I let the memories slide easily through my mind,
grateful for the time to think,
for the spaciousness to let my thoughts
unfold in their own rhythm,
not scrambled and anxious
like the wound up city.
We find ease in our stride,
inspiration from our unfurling dreams.
We plant seeds of what we'll accomplish,
of our heart's desires.
The sun slips below the mountain
winds arise in it's absence.
We huddle close in the crisp, dark night.
Flames dance before our eyes,
we whisper secrets under cover of darkness,
grasp hands for warmth and strength.
And at the end of a long day
we happily crawl into the tent,
a pile of blankets awaits.
We hold each other tight as the cold air
moves in and out of our lungs.
Our breath synchs with the trees and grasses around.
We remember our roots as earth dwelling humans,
just as much a part of nature
as the concrete world we've created.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

How Many Moons

Watching the moon each night
How many moons have I
Gazed upon
Danced under
Howled at?
But this moon is different.
For this moon brings the birth
Of my precious child,
Brings to life 9 months
Of dreams
Of devotion
Of love
For a mysterious being in my belly-
As close as possible
Yet still unknown.
Like the moon
I look forward to watching you grow
Take shape
Shine in your luminous grace,
Cherishing all your phases
And seasonal shifts
Along your journey across the sky.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Mystery Soup

Oh River, where do you come from?
What have you seen,
what secrets do you carry?
Tell me River,
how do you always know your way?
I was lost a hundred times
found again in cooperation,
in your sweet and gentle flow.
Amidst the resilient forest eco-system
mychorrizial networks of support & nourishment
cover me like a fertile blanket,
food for my meandering soul.
To the North
twinkling stars
beacons in the night sky
a billion spores
guiding me on
almost revealing
the nurturing path of least resistance
rock over rock
twisting and turning
listening to the call
a graceful and elegant extension of myself,
I am not alone in this mystery.
Years of wandering flow
and finally I know
the way home is Love.

Friday, April 3, 2015

A Prayer For Heartache

So here I am
standing at the precipice of
my greatest fear,
heart cracked open
waves with no shore
to crash upon,
calling out to Aphrodite
to wrap me in her grace.
And still
a strange clarity emerges
rising to greet my shadow
welcome it
to this vulnerable place
where all my demons
are out to play.
A faint whisper
to know love, is worth the risk.
And bursting forth
a resilient heart
that despite its ragged
bruised edges
refuses to close.
A tender and raw heart
that is willing to shine,
willing to be seen,
its capacity for love
into newly formed cracks.
I surrender.
Releasing it all to
the sweet Earth
back to the source
from which it came
to be composted,
into nourishment
for new dreams.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Waves Crashing on the Shore: A Divine Love Story

I call unto thee
Come unto me.
You are serenity
A perfect wonder
You pull me under
I surrender.
You are clarity
Inner vision
Source of wisdom
I listen.”
~ Temple of Aphrodite, Opening Hymn by Yeshe Rabbit

Aphrodite washed onto my shores, wrapped up in roses and trailed by buzzing, sacred bees on Valentines Day 2014. I participated in a ritual paying tribute to the many faces of Aphrodite and having previously known her simply as the goddess of love and beauty, I was surprised at how dynamic she was. Love and beauty take many forms, as does Aphrodite, who is at once ancient and youthful, a Goddess of love and war, of expansive time, justice, desire and divine pleasure. Ritual priestesses in elaborate dress invoked her various aspects, dancing and speaking her praises. We were invited to pull a tarot card from the Erotic Feminine deck, and serendipitously, I pulled the lovers card. The card depicted two naked, beautiful, curvy women in a sensual, loving embrace. I held the card close to my heart, graciously accepting the challenge of fates and embarking on a long journey to fulfill my soul's deepest need.

After many years of being single I craved real intimacy, a deep romantic connection that stirred the depths of my soul. I longed to be held close to another human, in a safe and nourishing space that allowed me to let go and relax into love. Frustrated by ongoing loneliness, I wondered if I would ever know the depth of my patience, trust, and of faith in matters of the heart. Forever choosing the path of self-inquiry, I dedicated myself to personal growth and exploration. I was not afraid to ask deep questions, to look into the eyes of my shadow self, to ask what work remained undone before I could welcome this coveted partnership into my life. I had so much love to give. How complicated could it be to find someone who wanted to receive this love from me? Weren’t there so many people out there in the world who so desperately want love? With so much to offer, what made this sharing so elusive?
In my heart of hearts, I knew that I could not pledge myself to Aphrodite for an entire year without bringing a Great Love into my life, but this wasn’t my focus or my expectation. Guided by the laughing queen, I turned instead to sensually exploring the world around and within me, letting the intricate beauty of the present moment unfold before my eyes. My senses felt heightened, my body alive as I opened my ears and my heart to the wisdom of Aphrodite pouring through me. Sometimes it was an intense emotion swelling within, sometimes a fleeting thought tickling the edges of my mind, but often her instructions came through as a clear voice in my head. She instructed me to build her an altar in my room. “Add more flowers,” she’d say. “No, I don’t want any other deities placed here, this is my space,” she’d demand. “You should wear brighter colors, longer dresses, flowers in your hair.” “Go buy red lipstick. Not tomorrow, right now! A fiery bright orange hued red and don’t save it only for special occasions.”
So I did what my beloved Goddess asked of me. I kept her altar alive each morning with offerings of rose petals and fresh flowers, of my deepest prayers, praises, gratitude and dreams. I dressed myself through her lens. Aphrodite, my own personal fashion consultant, challenged me to wear colors other than black. I began shopping for long feminine skirts and dresses, flowery prints always in the softest fabrics available. I bought red lipstick and wore it to the farmer’s market on a sunny Tuesday afternoon with some tight jeans and a pair of boots. I remember feeling her magic alive within me, like I held some secret between those red lips, some delightful mystery that only she and I shared. It was impossible to wipe that faint smile from my face.

My relationship with Aphrodite was getting serious quickly. In my year long Priestess Apprenticeship, focused on developing Sacred Leadership and ritual tools, part of our work involved exploring devotion to deity. We had the opportunity to dedicate ourselves to one deity for the duration of the year. Normally I would have gravitated toward the dark mother Goddesses, the realm of shadow or the healing Goddesses, but Aphrodite extended her delicate hand instead. I wrestled with my ego – struggling to justify offering myself in service to love, beauty and divine pleasure for an entire year. It felt like a selfish choice. Surely I should choose something that would enable me give back to others, something that could catalyze real transformation in my life and in my community. But her hand had already found its way into mine and there was simply no other choice. She called out to me like a siren of the sea, lovingly seeking my undivided attention with her enchanted song. Little did I know that her sensual magic would become the fuel igniting the work I do in this world.
In our April Priestess meeting, after doing some visioning work, our assignment was to step into the middle of our ritual circle and unleash an embodied invocation to our chosen deity, letting our relationship be witnessed and celebrated by our fellow Priestesses and by the deity itself. When it was my turn, I spoke from a place of desire anchored deep within my belly, a fertile, hidden place not often touched. Jolts of energy shook my body as I surrendered to her will to flow through me.  The invocation was the alchemy of pure desire into living poetry as I made my declaration to the Goddess of the sea:
Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, Joy
Divine Pleasure, Beauty
I bow reverently at your feet
offer myself in service to you
adorn myself with beauty
my heart expanding with every breath.
I lay myself before you
ask humbly that you
fill every last cell of my body with joy
let beauty wash down upon me
let it tickle my skin
delight my senses
let it bathe me in inspiration
shower me with light.
Aphrodite, I call unto you,
awaken the parts of me that have
been afraid to know pleasure
in its most rewarding form,
the parts that have so patiently
awaited your presence.
Oh Aphrodite, Queen of Sensuality,
help me to find intimacy in
all my relations
in all my actions
in all my connections,
with myself and others.
Bless my days with your presence
so I may sensuously explore the world,
so I may know myself in all my aspects.
Aphrodite I devote myself to you,
I devote myself to reveling in
Joy, Beauty, Divine Pleasure, and Sensuality,
simply because I can,
because I must.
Open to serving,
open to receiving,
I bow to you, oh Queen Aphrodite,
I bow to Love.

Later that month with the invocation still vibrating through me, I was cruising down the I-5 interstate headed for Coachella Music Festival with one of my best friends. I found myself attempting to explain this blossoming devotional relationship I had entered into with Aphrodite. I fumbled over words while trying to capture the essence of this mysterious work. What did it mean to be in such a deep relationship with this Goddess? What was I opening myself up to, and how did my personal relationship with Aphrodite carry over into my daily life? I was still grappling with those questions myself and had no real answers to give. In jest, my friend and I challenged each other to make out with three different people throughout the festival. I entered the weekend feeling confident and daring, open to new encounters and ready to harness some of Aphrodite’s sexy magic. Oddly enough, I found very little flirtatious energy within me and the weekend passed without a single kiss. A festival of over 100,000 people and not an ounce of desire to kiss any of them, really Aphrodite?!
Perhaps it wasn’t so simple. Although welcoming the Goddess into my life with loving, open arms was a great start, maybe there were some fundamental shifts that needed to happen before I was ready to accept love in my life. Even if you desire change in your life, how do you initiate it? Change begins once you believe that it is possible. It begins when you believe that you are not bound to the old stories you carry around but are free to create a dynamic new path for yourself. However, it felt important to me to acknowledge that my old stories arose out of my past experiences and were not completely invalid, they had been crafted by my sub-conscious in jumbled attempts to protect me from further trauma. In any case, the beliefs about my ability to relate intimately with other people were no longer protecting me, instead they had become my greatest obstacle to surrendering to love.

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." ~ Rumi

Alchemy is the study and practice of how one thing changes to another (Thanks to my teacher Ravyn Stanfield for providing such a clear understanding of this concept). Calling upon my elemental allies in the deep work of transformation, I participated in an alchemical Air ritual with the intention of removing some long held, now outdated, beliefs about myself. Air is associated with the tool of the blade, which served a dual purpose for me: the point of the blade inspired precision and clarity about what I wanted to remove and the edge contained the power to slice through my attachments. In what I can only describe as a personal shamanic experience, I held an actual athame (magical blade) in my hand while metaphorically slicing open my chest so that I could reach in and surgically remove those limiting false beliefs. 

As precise as the tip of the blade, I found three specific things that needed to be removed immediately:
-       I am different/separate from other people. To see myself as some kind of exemption to the rules allowed me to dodge accountability for the role I played in my loneliness.
-       Shame. Particularly shame about my body and the ways that I have mistreated and disrespected it in the past. There was a lot of sadness and inability to forgive myself for past disregard for my physical health and wellness. Body shame was preventing me from opening up physically to the kind of intimacy I craved.
-       Asking for help is more difficult than doing it on my own. Asking for help had become an admission that something was wrong. I was afraid to be that vulnerable and to let people know that I was not okay.
     Even after clearly identifying what needed to be removed, even with a metaphorical hole cut in the center of me, and even with my hand grasping them, willingly removing these beliefs was incredibly painful and difficult. My hands shook, I wept openly as I grieved for the stories that had offered me protection for so long. I was reluctant to let go of what had become comfortable for me. I had partly constructed my identity around these beliefs. And yet, my desire for change was greater than my desire to hold on and I achingly pulled these beliefs from my depths, offering them up to be carried away on the wind. I carefully sewed up the hole once again and started getting acquainted with the unfamiliar spaciousness within.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom”~ Anaïs Nin.

Months later, Aphrodite and I traveled across the ocean to Portugal, the land of my ancestors, to prepare for the 2014 edition of Boom Festival, aptly themed “The Feminine.” Camped out by a magical lake and surrounded by a global community of change makers, my heart was feeling light and free. Aligned with my work with Aphrodite, I explored what “The Feminine” meant to me as a co-creator of the festival experience. It dawned on me that the medicine the Earth so desperately needs is closely linked to what the archetypal Mother provides – fierce protection, healthy nourishment and compassionate care. The women living at the Boom land decided to create a Yin altar underneath a beautiful Oak tree, a sacred space dedicated to women’s mysteries that would be open to festival attendees of all genders. On the Leo new moon before the festival our team gathered in the darkness underneath the tree to share personal, professional and planetary intentions for Boom Festival. Communication, collaboration and compassionate support were a few of the shared intentions that surfaced. Shortly afterwards, I had a powerful dream and awoke with words that I had spoken in dream land resonating in my mind, “Something you should know about me is that I have a very tender heart.” The words from my dream permeated my thoughts the following day, reminding me of the power of vulnerability and of allowing myself to be truly seen. I began to embrace my tenderness not as a weakness but as strength, an indicator that I was a living, breathing human who had the capacity to care for and empathize with other humans. Exploring my own tenderness, especially while in a position of leadership felt especially delicious as I opened up to the nurturing support and care of my team. I felt Aphrodite’s warmth all around me, as if she were holding me in a sweet embrace.
As the summer started to heat up I developed a crush on one of my co-workers and was receiving some confusing signals from him. I genuinely couldn’t tell if he was interested in me or if he was just being extra friendly. Instead of letting the crush go on, too afraid to show that I was interested in him, I was bold and asked him directly how he felt. It turns out that he saw me as a great friend and nothing more. Of course I was hurt. I wondered what I had or hadn’t done to land in the “friend zone”. Back in the comforting arms of my best friend, I cried and let myself feel hurt and sad. Once my initial emotional outburst faded away, I contemplated my feelings of rejection. Actually, I had no emotional attachment to this person. I was feeling the pain of all the times in the past that I was rejected by someone I was emotionally close to. Once I was able to separate the past from what was happening in the present moment, I felt so free! I was excited to continue my friendship with this person in a clear light and to leave space open for other intimate relationships to arise. Another friend and co-worker welcomed me to what he called “Rejection Therapy” - the practice of asking for what you want and being okay with not receiving it. The practice made it less of a big deal to take risks and be vulnerable about approaching potential romance.

"If you risk nothing, then you risk everything." ~ Geena Davis

One night after the festival I found myself high up in a tree house sharing a bottle of wine and an inspiring conversation with a beautiful, vibrant co-worker. There had been flirtatious energy building between us all summer, but we’d both been distracted by long days of work and didn’t have much free time to explore together. That night, however, love was in the air and we became two open hearts meeting in a deeply sweet and uplifting encounter. She was so sensual and generous with her touch, playful and explorative with her whispered ramblings. My mind flashed back to the beautiful women embracing on the Tarot card I’d pulled at the Aphrodite ritual many months back. We had a sweet connection and yet I felt fragile post-festival and unable to open up to her in the way my heart desired. I felt the familiar signs of myself shutting down to her offerings of love and affection. Even though I could clearly see and feel what was happening I couldn’t access the tools to change it. When we parted ways I carried away a sinking feeling of regret and sadness that I hadn’t been able to fully be present with her.

Despite the ups and downs, it was an extraordinary summer filled with opportunities for me to confront old patterns and to integrate my personal spiritual practices with my professional life.  I was quicker to make new choices when confronted by outdated stories I told myself. This self-awareness was partially enabled by my commitment to physical and emotional self-care throughout this exploration. By creating the time and space to care for my health, I gifted myself the clarity of vision and strength of willpower to catalyze changes in my behavior. Staying committed to my yoga practice, healthy eating habits, moderation in substance use, and setting boundaries for myself around work were some of the helpful tools I put into practice. I felt Aphrodite at my side, supporting me along the path and reminding me that my body is a Temple worthy of utmost respect.
It is really difficult to see progress when you are in the thick of it. As a fiery Leo, I can be really impatient – once I decide that I want to change something, I get frustrated if I don’t see results immediately. I had been working with Aphrodite for almost 8 months at that point and didn’t feel that I’d made any significant changes in my inter-personal relationship dynamics. To put it simply, I was single and lonely and beginning to wonder what the point of all this Aphrodite devotion was. In my September Priestess group I had the opportunity to aspect (channel) Aphrodite, to open myself up and let her speak, see and hear through me. It was my first time aspecting and I was surprised at how clear the messages I received from her were. Aphrodite knew exactly what she wanted. She asked to lie her down on the floor and be adorned with flower petals from the altar. She picked up individual petals and admired the perfection in their imperfection, marveling at the beauty even in the wilted petals. She picked up tiny buds, rolled them through her fingers reveling in the pure potential they held. She spoke of the need for more love stories in this world (and here I am writing one for her at this very moment). Time seemed to slow down as I moved and breathed with Aphrodite’s senses, wondrously exploring the sights and sounds around me. She spoke of our relationship with time, and how we need to slow down so that we can witness the beauty and joy that exists in our daily lives. She spoke of the delicious anticipation and mystery of the future and the importance of savoring it, being fully awake to its power. “Slow down and savor the feeling of not knowing, of unknown possibilities, of pure potential and mystery,” her words spilled from my lips.
After such an embodied and intimate experience with Aphrodite, I felt my devotional relationship with her deepen and begin to integrate itself into my daily life. I was still receiving very specific assignments from her, but more than that I was beginning to see through her eyes more and more in my day-to-day activities. Luckily after returning from Europe I gave myself a very generous length of time for re-integration and recovery before diving into another project. Guided by the elegant Goddess of the sea, I dove into water therapy of all kinds.  I rode my bike to the edge of the bay, sitting on sunny benches and singing songs to the water as loudly as I could. I let my tears become humble offerings, asking the water to help me hold all the stories I carry. I took luxurious baths in the middle of the afternoon on a Tuesday, soaking in Epsom salts and rose essential oils. I visited wild rivers, soaked in natural hot springs, frequented urban bathhouses, dreamt of opening a mermaid spa, let Aphrodite’s loving waves crash against me, caress my skin, bathe my heart – all in the practice of gentle and sweet surrender to the flow of life.

One night I awoke from an intense dream with the sensation of my whole body sobbing. I dreamt that I was physically immobilized, something prevented me from moving but I didn’t know what it was. Two faceless guardians were trying to help me and I could feel their compassion and nourishing energy all around me. One of them held my head gently in their hands while the other took a pitcher of water and slowly, steadily poured it over my head. The water washed over my third eye, slid across my forehead, over my scalp and crown of my head. The sensation of warm water dripping across my head was nothing short of ecstatic. It felt like the desert floor drinking up rain after a long dry year, like all the cells of my body being nourished as though they had received the very thing they’d desired for so long. I felt full of its medicine, grace and ecstasy. I sobbed with Joy, eventually rousing myself from sleep. In that moment I felt that love was possible for me and I knew beyond a doubt that I was finally ready to receive the love and intimacy I had been praying for.

"Opportunity dances with those on the dance floor." ~ Anonymous

It was around this time that I was introduced to a charming and smart man by a mutual friend. We both must have felt that spark because soon after our initial encounter we went on our first date. I remember my heart just about leaping out of my chest when I walked in the door and saw him sitting there waiting for me. Our conversation was easy and flowing and there was a strong physical attraction between us. We had several more dates but something felt off. He was wonderful person, but not “Available” in the way that I hoped. I felt myself falling into old patterns of letting his unavailability make him seem all the more desirable. I tried to keep my schedule open in case he wanted to hang out and then would end up with no plans and way too much time to think. Sometimes there is a large gap between potential and current reality. My intuition screamed at me to walk away and yet I couldn’t let go even though I knew it was an unhealthy dynamic for me. It was the first time I’d felt hopeful about romance in a long while and I wasn’t ready to give it up.
Intuitively though, I knew that something more extraordinary was out there for me, a mutual “Fuck Yes” just waiting for the right opportunity to reveal itself. Aphrodite must have agreed because a few short weeks later she delivered an incredible treasure to my doorstep. Immediately I felt a sense of comfort and ease around him, as if we'd met many times before. Our fist kiss was the kind that stops time, everything else but two pairs of lips disappearing, the kind that leaves you walking away dizzy and breathless, wondering what just happened. Here was an intelligent, kind hearted man who was willing to be present with me, laugh and explore with me and who was curious to know me in all my intricate layers. For awhile I hesitated, something inside me still wanting to cling to old stories, to the promise lying dormant in potential. It was as if the Universe was asking me to consciously choose between the old disappointing love story of the past and a path toward fulfilling romance and intimacy. I chose to surrender, to let love into my heart, to see and be seen, to be held so gently and compassionately that my last remaining defenses washed away leaving me vulnerable - and head over heels in love.

Staying true to Aphrodite, I savor every delicious moment spent with him. I look into his eyes and honor his generous spirit, his humble heart and inquisitive mind, seeing him with such clarity it fills my whole body with wonder and delight. I offer him my best Self, holding nothing back because he deserves every single drop of this loving nectar. I cherish the moments when our layers peel back, when we sit face-to-face, heart to heart and dream together. I wish to be a shining light in his life, inspiring him to always follow his dreams, and a source of strength for him to draw upon in challenging times. Revealing my tender heart, relaxing into his arms, I let the magic we share lift me up. Not a day goes by that I don’t give gratitude to Aphrodite for the wisdom and guidance she offers me. Every morning I sit next to my altar and pray with her, allowing the overflowing contents of my heart to spill out of my lips. With absolute awe for the miracle of this unfolding connection, I choose again and again to embrace my sensuality, taking the time to look deeper, to listen more closely, to explore dreams, to wander in forests, to notice the small wonders hidden all around me, to hold hands with my lover and get lost in his kiss. Like waves crashing on the shore, I return over and over again to my Lady love. Her loving wisdom became the medicine I so desperately needed in my life, a healing tonic wrapping my lover and I in an enchanted dance, transforming us into mirrors with which to glimpse the depth of our souls.
After an entire year of devotion to Aphrodite, to divine beauty, love and sensuality - I’m not ready to let her go. She lives within me now, in the love I choose to nourish in this world. She lives within my curiosity and hunger for life, within my dreams and deepest desires. She’s alive within my dedication to compassionate self-care. She lives in my open heart, in my vulnerability and my shadow. I honor her by the shores of the sea, water splashing over my feet. I honor her with belly laughs tangled in the sheets and limbs of my lover in the half-sleep darkness of dawn. I honor her with my Presence, as I learn how to trust and open myself as a conduit of divine love. I find her in every uncertain moment, playfully reminding me of the delicious mystery of the unknown, bringing me back to the beauty and grace wrapped up in each moment, to the joy radiating from my own heart. Aphrodite of the sea, baptizing me into an ocean of gratitude that knows no limit, opening me up to a spacious place where time expands and what is nourished, blossoms.